A tool designed for building professionals to help prepare top level cost plans, provide early cost advice to clients and benchmark costs for both commercial and residential buildings.
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LoginPublished: 03/10/2022
BCIS is recalculating the Standard Hourly Rates for daywork for Electricians, Plumbers and Heating and Ventilating Operatives to allow for the bank holiday for Her Majesty The Queen’s State Funeral on 19th September 2022.
However, the Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC), the wage negotiating body for many construction trades, did not promulgate the holiday as a mandatory holiday.
Therefore, BCIS has not allowed for it in the Standard Hourly Daywork Rate calculated in accordance with the Definition of Prime Cost of Dayworks.
Any additional cost for contractors who did allow the days holiday would be deemed to be included in the contractor’s percentage additions for incidental costs, overheads and profit.
The CIJC have issued a statement on the granting of holiday for the Queen’s State Funeral on 19th September 2022, which concludes:
‘Consequently, taking all relevant factors that apply into account, it will be for each business/employer to determine how they will view the day, and whether time off, paid or unpaid, will be given’ (see the full statement here).
To help all concerned understand the financial implications for firms that gave operatives the day off, BCIS has calculated the equivalent Daywork rates which would have applied from the 19th September 2022 if the holiday had been fully promulgated.
The following table gives the published Daywork rate at 26th July 2022 and the equivalent rate if the Bank Holiday had been fully promulgated:
A tool designed for building professionals to help prepare top level cost plans, provide early cost advice to clients and benchmark costs for both commercial and residential buildings.